Welcome to My Unfinished Dream of Kochi

"Sometimes, the road to bankruptcy is paved with the best intentions... and a 3D model of your hometown."

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by. You're about to step into a version of Kochi I spent nearly 1.5 years building, brick by brick, pixel by pixel. It was a wild ride—one full of ambition, a bit of chaos, and the kind of learning you only get when chasing a big, beautiful dream that life, unfortunately, didn't let me finish.

What you'll see is a 2D rendered glimpse of what could have been. Back when I started, I imagined this as a fully navigable virtual city, where you'd be free to explore Kochi's familiar streets (even before they were reshaped by Kochi Metro). But then... the budget had other ideas.

So take a look and enjoy exploring my little tribute to Kochi. It's a labor of love, a testament to resilience, and a reminder that sometimes, the journey itself is what matters most—even if that journey includes a twist or two (and, yes, a little bankruptcy along the way).
